Jean Arnaud
Entrepreneur I Educator I Philosopher I Artist
A selection of poetic aphorisms with philosophical wisdom and Orphic mysteries about life, love, existence, and beyond. The book represents a true intellectual experience that will transport you to a symbolic and mystical world where you will discover that "the highest truths are not given; they are conquered. The light they beam blinds those it does not guide.
Soliloquies are philosophical and poetic maxims and reflections* that can be related to the tradition of the great Latin and French moralists. "It is always the reader’s intelligence that is addressed by the author, especially when their ideas are embodied in the concise form of a maxim. Indeed, for those who strive to understand them, such aphorisms call for a sort of reconstructed reasoning - reasoning which always remains obscured.
In the philosophical tale'Thus Dreamed the Poet,' Ostanès, a visionary poet, seeks self-realization through exile. He discovers that even the promised beauty of deserts withers, revealing illusions detached from life's meaning. True thought thrives within the shifting world, maturing in darkness to create new horizons. The poet's duty transcends self-discovery; he must love beyond himself to elevate humanity. Thus, the poet's task is not just to dream, but to elevate the world to its highest potential.